Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SportsHaven in New Haven, CT

Edgewood park in New Haven, CT

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

this was taken on the way to Rollermagic, in Waterbury, CT

Hello, Class, this photo was taken at a banquet for Human Services at Anthony's Ocean Front.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lobster Boat

Hello again..
I have added more shots to my fotothing account. (Fotothing was not letting me access it yesterday).
I have been shooting a lot at dusk. Though I have a polarizer and have used it, I really like the sunset shots and the shadows I get from them. Let me know what you think!


Hi class,

Everyone has posted really great macros photos .. I had fun with this, I think the challenge with this assignment was testing the cameras abilities and limitations..

Here is my contribution. The rest are on my fotothing under catdiggity.


Fotothing is back up!

Just an FYI....


Sunday, April 26, 2009


It looks like the website is down. I was not able to get to the home page.

Marco Photos

Hi Again,

I found it more challenging this week to come up with subjects for this assignment. I feel that I was able to get some good pictures. Good luck with the assignment.



Hey Everyone,

What is up with fotothing website? I can't seem to log in? Is anyone having trouble?

Well anyway being a musician I wanted to post a couple of pictures for this week's assignment....


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hollow Lanes on Route 1 in West Haven

It's amazing how long buildings can last without any construction, any work being done, anyone trying to rent or buy it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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I went out to shoot some street shots. This is much harder than I suspected. There is so much going on which makes it difficult to focus on a shot especically when trying to capture moving objects. Hopefully with some sun and good advice, I can start getting some shots worth printing for the project.
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I was finally able to resize my images and get them to post to fotothing (tracy77). I apologize that it has taken so long to get them up. I have been troubleshooting and think I figured it out. I will post more as soon!! ~Tracy

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hi class,

I have to say I am very excited about this shot ..

This class has truly helped me to see lighting, contrast and shadows in a way I never imagined... The shadows truly add a materiality to the shot that I didn't realized prior to this class and the readings.

I have posted my other photos from this week on fotothing


Sunday, April 19, 2009

April flowers, brings joy for everyone. This flower tree was in my neighbor and I thought it was a beautiful capture.
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Went out to Panthorn Trail in Southington to shoot some creeks and marshlands. About midway through the hike my daughter found a turtle in some shallow water which was definately cool. You can check out more photos at fotothing (seawhite23).
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Hi All,

The weather was great this weekend for taking pictures. It was much colder when I went to the beach last week. I look forward to getting out on the weekends and looking for items to photograph. I have taken my son with me the last few weeks and now he is becoming interested in Photography.

Have a good week,


Shadows and Light

Hello Everyone,

Another Great weather weekend! Here are two of my favorite photos taken for this assignment. I will be posting the rest of my images on my fotothing.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

and some more

FInally I'm posting, sorry for the lateness

I do apologize for the lateness of my posts. I have been taking pictures and trying to figure out the extent of the project. My fotothing is: For my first half project, I have been trying to concentrate on social issues. This ranges from pollution to who can afford to pay for renovations. I hope the pictures I am posting here and fotothing will reflect this. I wanted to make sure I had enough pictures to make sure this idea made sense to everyone else besides me. I look forward to the feedback. Thanks!! -Esther